

I artfully transform texts from French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Catalan into natural, idiomatic English. My carefully crafted translations allow ideas to take root with your English audience.


I thoroughly review your documents with an eagle eye for detail. My editing nurtures structure and flow; my proofreading polishes spelling, grammar and punctuation so your work bursts into full bloom.


I diligently consult with you to help your content thrive with diverse audiences. My services include glossary building, style guide development, and cultural adaptation, cultivating engagement so your message branches out.



Ansart, Pierre. Proudhon’s Sociology (several chapters). AK Press. 26 September 2023.

Bouglé, Célestin. French Socialisms. little big eye publishing. 1 July 2024.

Bouglé, Célestin. Sociology of Proudhonlittle big eye publishing. Forthcoming.

Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph. System of Economic Contradictions: or, The Philosophy of Povertylittle big eye publishing. Forthcoming.


Ansart, Pierre. The Plurality of Times in Socialist Thought (1820–1870). The Anarchist Library. 11 November 2021.

Ansart, Pierre. The Presence of Proudhonism in Contemporary Sociologies. The Anarchist Library. 10 May 2022.

Ansart, Pierre. Proudhon Throughout History. The Anarchist Library. 10 May 2022.

Barry, Laurent. Terminological Logics: Kinship Taxonomies and Their Relationship with Alliance Systems. L’Homme 225(1), pp. 27-72. 20 May 2021.

Bouglé, Célestin. Proudhon the Sociologist. The Anarchist Library. 30 September 2021.

Carrere, Michelle. Fiscal meltdown at Easter Island park drives rift among islanders. Mongabay. 6 February 2020.

Carrere, Michelle. Seeking a sanctuary for Peru’s sea life: Q&A with Yuri Hooker. Mongabay. 12 January 2021.

Chanial, Philippe. Proudhon, Sociologist and Activist of the Autonomy of the Social. The Anarchist Library. 30 September 2021.

Gurvitch, Georges. Proudhonian Synthesis. The Anarchist Library. 2 October 2021.

Gurvitch, Georges. Proudhon and Marx. Journal of Classical Sociology 22(2), pp. 168-175. 11 March 2021.

Razafison, Rivonala. Can a mine and a community group save the tiny golden mantella frog? Mongabay. 14 July 2020.